单晶颗粒样品: 最大尺寸 1mm 纯度: 99.998% 包装: 真空或氩气等惰性气氛保护玻璃瓶 巨纳黑磷晶体(1000mg)产品规格:单晶或粉末
Antimony triselenide is the chemical compound with the formula Sb2Se3 which crystallizes in an orthorhombic space group. Sb2Se3 shares striking structural and physical similarities with topological in
Zirconium triselenide belongs to the group-IV transition metal trichalcogenides. This is the only commercially available ZrSe3 crystals in the market
Environmentally stable 2H-TaSe2 crystals have been synthesized at our facilities through flux zone method or chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique.
Our TiSe2 crystals are stabilized in 2H-phase (CDW metallic phase). They are grown using two different techniques through chemical vapor transport (CVT) or flux zone growth